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Search results for query #число с плавающей точкой

4 answer
12.11.2021, 14:10
0 in additional fields with type Number
Please remove 0 in additional fields with the default Number type. And it was not before someone's refinement with separators. Firstly, it real...
2 answer
05.10.2021, 10:47
It is possible to enter an incorrect value with two characters at the same time with a dot and a comma in a field with the floating point number type
Good afternoon on the order example https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/2095469/edit/ field Return shipping amount (net) with fl...
2015714023 - Added setting for displaying numeric values in additional fields
In settings: - universal contact block; - universal process unit added a checkbox "Separate digits with a space in additional fields of type &...
2014787288 - Improved rounding settings in the directory
In directories, for fields of the “floating point number” type, it became possible to specify the number of decimal places

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