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Search results for query #прайс-площадка

1 answer
06.01.2022, 12:59
incorrectly created a price platform
Here is the xls setting, but for some reason xml was written in the title Accordingly, when trying to open - an error https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com...
7 replies
21.08.2021, 15:33
Feeds for price platforms
Good afternoon, I have a question about creating feeds for trading platforms. When there is a store template from Onebox, there are no problems wit...
revision required - Uploading to the XLS price platform
The problem is in this parameter https://prnt.sc/10hx71j "If the product is produced and it has a passport, consider that the product is in st...
2 answer
21.12.2020, 10:58
Integration with f.ua
Hello. I recently created a topic about integration with f.ua, can I get an answer to my questions? https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/price-platfor...
1 answer
02.09.2020, 11:23
Is it possible to integrate with f.ua using their API
Hello. There is a need to set up integration with the F.UA marketplace via api. We need to import orders from f.ua and, ideally, import statuses ba...

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