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Search results for query #письма

3 answer
01.12.2023, 17:46
Letter templates
Good afternoon Please tell me where and how to configure sending letters from the box? Where is the submission template edited and where are these ...
2 answer
09.10.2023, 11:00
Notification settings from the 1b.app website
Dear OneBox users and partners! You now have the opportunity to manage notifications from the 1b.app website. Now in your profile you can specify...
4 answer
09.08.2023, 14:49
Emails not opening from notification center
There are several letters in the notification center, one opens correctly, when you open the rest, it redirects to the mail integration setting. Th...
4 answer
02.06.2023, 11:18
OneBox is bombarded with password recovery spam!
Good afternoon. OneBox bombards mail with spam, tries to send password recovery to the same mail. Letters appear in outbox every minute in the amo...
2 answer
Personal license
01.03.2023, 11:12
Mail Integration Connection Assessment
There is mail on a custom domain (for example, sales7@concordpaper.com ) created at https://webmail.adm.tools/ Please evaluate the connection of ...
6 replies
17.02.2023, 14:18
Emails are not sent from box
Good afternoon Letters from boxing are not sent. The Gmail box is connected, the integration is configured, the testing line is green, everything i...
1 answer
Changed the logic of the events after the transition to the new version
In the old version it was possible to see my events When opening, only mine were displayed (by default), and then you could select all In the new ...
1 answer
Question on the number of sent messages so that Google does not ban?
The client often sends email messages to his clients The question is, do we know the approximate volume of letters in a given period of time so tha...
1 answer
07.10.2021, 13:16
Letter read or not
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/ Email integration enabled. The events display letters, but it is not clear which of these letters were read in the CPM ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
06.09.2021, 13:54
OS - Email content not showing in mail
https://tcbs.crm-onebox.com/app/email/?userNameMain=Integrator&email=vit%40k... I open the letter, but the content is not displa...

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