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Search results for query #переменные для писем

26 replies
12.11.2020, 00:47
Variable for a letter with a link to a product
Prompt a variable for a letter with a link to the product. So that you can send a letter to the client with a list of products and each product as ...
4 answer
11.09.2020, 16:17
remove zeros in variable quantity for emails
There is a system variable for the quantity of goods in letters, it is drawn with four zeros, there are customers who believe that this is a thousa...
2 answer
07.09.2020, 12:20
What variable should be indicated in the e-mail letter for the manager, where it will be indicated whether the goods are paid or not?
2015508103 - Improvement on the formation of a login based on mail
Added system setting “When replacing variables [login] and [authorlogin] for letters - use email (default phone)”
2013689014 - Added variables for letters/documents
Variable {ordercontacts} Variable usage example: In the project, on the "Contacts" tab, there is a list of contacts, some of which are em...

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