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Search results for query #объем

1 answer
27.01.2022, 11:45
Sum volume
Order example https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/9653/invoice/ Is it possible to modify what would be specified in the fields &q...
5 replies
Add the column Amount in stock m3 to the Inventory in stock report.
Is it possible to add the Volume in stock m3 column to the Stock balances report to calculate the volume of products in stock. Volume in stock m3=V...
6 replies
Nova Poshta (dimensions and volumetric weight)
we have such a checkbox in the integration The client has a question, how much will it cost to finalize so that if at the time of creating the TT ...
1 answer
19.11.2020, 16:46
Does not copy the Product Volume field
https://box.beautyfactory.in.ua/admin/shop/products/3390/edit/#done There is a system field "Volume", in which you can write letters, num...

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