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Search results for query #новая

Associate the indicator Weight of the product from the product card with Weight for Nova Poshta
It is very inconvenient and as it is not logical for me that for Nova Poshta you need to separately indicate the Weight and dimensions. If they are...
7 replies
24.09.2020, 12:19
Incorrect work of integration with NP - no package statuses
Good afternoon. The statuses of parcels in the NP are no longer updated. From the word in general. There is no information in the NP block. https:/...
2 answer
23.09.2020, 19:43
The "New mail" block in the BP interface does not work correctly
There was a problem due to the fact that the TTN number is located in the wrong field, namely: the generated redirect TTN is now located in the &qu...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
11.09.2020, 14:45
changing SSL certificates of New Mail api servers
There was a signal that New mail is changing SSL certificates. I don't know if this will somehow affect the integration with boxing, but take n...
23 answer
PPO software integration
Good afternoon software development is required The logic of the PRRO The cycle of interaction between the software cash register and the fiscal se...
Display in the table of orders the fields on the reverse TTN of Nova Poshta (TTN number and its status)
Refine the functionality for displaying information on the return shipping waypoint - the number of the return shipping waypoint itself and its sta...

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