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Search results for query #настройки интерфейса

4 answer
07.10.2021, 13:32
Task interface
Good afternoon. Please clarify whether it is possible in the box to make the procedure buttons displayed not at the bottom, but in a specific block...
1 answer
29.01.2021, 15:53
Ability to scroll the process in the "Client" field
Tell me, be kind, how can you improve the appearance of all clients in the drop-down list in the "Client" field https://prnt.sc/xtadgs Fo...
New Mail
Good afternoon! We receive orders in Box from three sites https://prnt.sc/xg5z1t, TTN for Nova Poshta are created normally everywhere, but on two, ...
5 replies
24.11.2020, 13:30
Interface settings not saved
Good afternoon. The interface settings are no longer saved. I add 3 additional process fields to the Universal Block, click Save, returns to the ge...
1 answer
15.09.2020, 11:33
New release interface bugs
In the new release, the fields are not clearly highlighted, and in some fields such as phone and email, it’s not at all clear where to poke, you ha...
2 answer
10.09.2020, 13:57
Order interface
Updated access rights for one employee, the interface in the ORDERS block crashed https://prnt.sc/ueupio how to go back? I physically do not have t...

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