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Search results for query #настройка меню

2015855670 - Added the ability to mass reset the menu
Added "Reset settings for all employees" button to the menu. The button is displayed for users whose access level is "administrator&...
1 answer
Personal license
02.08.2021, 12:43
OS application menu
greeting in our instruction to integrators, the initial settings involve removing redundant business processes, fields, and menu items so that clie...
4 answer
05.01.2021, 11:50
Can't add custom menu item
Good afternoon. I can't add my menu item to the desired parent item, in the drop-down menu there is only "Investment Auction", what c...
2014466524 -Added the ability to edit your item
Previously, it worked like this: add your own item, if you need to change something in it, you had to delete it and create a new one by changing wh...

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