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Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.09.2022, 12:30
Process amount with discount
Hello! In the process, there is a discount amount in UAH and a discount amount in %. In the final part of the process, the amount in the "Tota...
2 answer
04.07.2022, 10:31
Bug. Wrong sumovuє in the list of zamovlen.
Prohannya correct it once and for all. The problem comes up periodically. In the list: How to enter everything in excel suma іnsha: https://crm.m...
BUG! OneBoxOS. Absolutely wrong numbers are displayed in the total lines
On the example of a test order https://box.yerocolors.com/7545/ In the final part of the process, it incorrectly calculates the Total discount for...
10 replies
Total displays a strange amount
After updating the project - https://sweetanok.kiev.ua/admin/ to the MVP version When creating a process, it displays a strange amount Total - http...

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