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Search results for query #вайлдберрис

3 answer
Refinement of the action to receive the balance in warehouses
WB has this method https://suppliers-stats.wildberries.ru/api/v1/supplier/stocks? Where {"lastChangeDate":"2021-12-27T03:14:17.71&qu...
3 answer
07.06.2021, 10:31
Interested in integration with Ozon, Yandex, Aliexpress, Wildberries marketplaces.
Ozone is indicated that it is implemented, how does it actually work? In the settings, you can specify a key and an identifier. What actions should...
Integration with wildberries.ru
Is it possible to integrate with wildberries.ru and how much will it cost requirements: provides an opportunity for partners, working with the trad...
8 replies
Please estimate the cost of integration with Wildberries
Please evaluate the cost of integration with https://www.wildberries.ru/ for the following steps 1. Import orders from wildberries in one box (orde...
1 answer
25.12.2020, 12:02
wildberries API
Continuation of the question https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integration-with-onebox/4794-wildberries/ When a client asks wildberries support for...
1 answer
21.12.2020, 11:06
It is necessary to transfer data about goods from Boxing to wildberries.ru. I did not find open information about the API. Here are just https://qn...

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