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Search results for query #безопастность

1 answer
Security Wanbox OS
Question regarding the security of our data in OneBox. Please clarify what is Onebox's SOC2 Compliance status, and is there a continuity/disast...
1 answer
27.12.2020, 15:24
Refinement of the functionality of access rights
Good afternoon. Whether it is possible to implement additions of access rights only on reading according to directories? (Now in rights only on / o...
1 answer
HTTPS certificate not working
https://aspect.crm-onebox.com/admin/ - https://prnt.sc/v73dgw - gives an error that there is no certificate. The subdomain was provided by Box at t...
8 replies
13.10.2020, 10:52
prodovzhennya dії certificate
I want to continue my certificate. Ale without your help do not go out. our crm: https://siydobro.crm-onebox.com/cc/?dashboardView=cc tse those tha...
3 answer
28.09.2020, 17:43
Cloud Security
It is worth writing in one task in detail (now if it exists, it is scattered) all methods / mechanisms, how we provide various types of security on...
1 answer
OneBox Security
How exactly is OneBox protected? What is the name of the certificate that guarantees the security of storing OneBox data?
1 answer
09.09.2020, 17:07
Information encryption
Tell me, please, how company data is encrypted and data protection from hacking. What are the security levels?
Password manager
Please make a password manager. So that when assigning a role to an employee, the passwords of employees of this role would automatically become av...

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