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Search results for query #альфаимя

4 answer
20.12.2020, 16:45
How to choose Alpha name when sending SMS through "My Events"?
Hello! Tell me, how to choose an Alpha name when sending sms through the "My events" section? Maybe there are some settings? There is no ...
1 answer
How to change the Alpha name of the sender to another one in a new business process?
In the integration I registered both alpha names separated by commas, in the process procedures (buttons) I set everything up, there is an opportun...
2 answer
19.08.2020, 15:13
How to specify several ALPHA NAMES for sending SMS?
Connected SMS fly, and there you can specify only one alpha name https://prnt.sc/u279og And we have 4 of them. Is it possible to connect more than 4?

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