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Search results for query #cscart

13 replies
29.09.2021, 14:03
Refinement - Import processes from CS-Cart
Our CsCart has two fields 1. Delivery address - the country and city are recorded (now the box pulls data for the order address from this field) 2...
5 replies
28.09.2021, 17:26
OS - Export products to CS-Cart | Categories
There is an action "Export products to CS-Cart" We want to improve the setting "upload only categories" - if not specified, all...
2 answer
21.09.2021, 11:03
OS - cscart unloads deleted products
Now 2911 products should be unloaded from the box to xcart. Uploads 2960 products -49 products are not clear from where. For example, In box https...
OS - cscart availability
There was a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/10687-os---eksport-produktov-v-c... I ask you to issue an ...
66 replies
17.08.2021, 16:51
OS - cs cart integration
There is an Export Products to CS-Cart action. The description says "Export products from your OneBox to CS-Cart. To work, you must specify ac...
14 replies
Personal license
30.04.2021, 17:43
Synchronization of data from cs-cart
client can integrate with cs-cart, є power supply: 1. The "payment method" field is not transmitted. store admin axis: , box axis: 2. H...
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.03.2021, 12:40
Why integration with cs-cart doesn't work
Set up integration https://stylesalon.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/cscart-1/control/ Added action to import orders But it shows error an...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.03.2021, 12:35
Bug, orders stopped syncing with CsCart
We did not make any changes to the actions or synchronization settings, but from 00.00 at night they stopped working out Automatic actions once a m...

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