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Search results for query #укрпошта

Ukrposhta statuses not working
Good afternoon. Tell me how to set up display and automatic updates of Ukrposhta statuses in orders. What did you do: 1. Connected the integration ...
4 answer
22.09.2020, 09:53
In the automatic actions of Ukrposhta there is no status Accepted
In the automatic actions of Ukrposhta, there is no status Accepted. This is essentially the starting main status from which tracking starts. For de...
4 answer
16.09.2020, 18:52
Data format of Ukrposhta addresses when importing an order with prom.ua
The automatic action to create a ttn of Ukrposhta works only in the format required by the box Index, City, street, house number, apartment number ...
1 answer
Print TTN Ukr mail
Tell me how many hours of programming will it take to finalize the printing of the TTN etiquette?
5 replies
in the beat in the delivery invoice box TTN and the result is zero. no label is printed, no statuses are tracked. and if I change the delivery invo...
6 replies
08.09.2020, 10:26
Where to set up the display of the address for Ukrposhta, what would be correct, it starts with an index
I can’t find where I can set up the correct display of the address, so that https://prnt.sc/udgg8u starts with an index In the format for Ukrposhta
15 replies
integration of orders from the outlet delivery failure Ukrposhta
when importing from the outlet of orders with a delivery fee of Ukrposhta index is not imported correctly. placed between street and house number h...
15 replies
Ukrposhta status not being processed
Ukrposhta integration with parcel statuses does not work correctly 1. "Return for the return address: for the destination address" 2. Ret...
27 replies
07.09.2020, 13:32
Data format of Ukrposhta addresses when importing from prom.ua
The automatic action to create a ttn of Ukrposhta works only in the format required by the box Index, City, street, house number, apartment number ...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
27.08.2020, 19:41
Does not pull the index into the UkrPoshta tab
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/20627/ukrposhtainvoice/ Doesn't pull index here http://prntscr.com/u6zaew Here is ...

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