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Search results for query #продажи

4 answer
08.01.2021, 12:14
sales report
Hello, please tell me why I want to see sales on the channel https://bit.ly/3bl81fq, but the selection does not display the correct number of sales...
4 answer
08.11.2020, 10:00
Bug in the report
Good afternoon! There is a Sales Report (for goods sold from stock), which does not work correctly. For example, for the period from September 01 t...
3 answer
27.10.2020, 17:48
Sales funnel
Good afternoon! Tell me how to build a sales funnel in CPM.? Paid, free, are there video settings?
2 answer
07.10.2020, 17:20
Sales automation for an online retail store of accessories
The client has retail sales of accessories, sells through IM on Opencart and social networks. networks. At the moment, he spends a lot of time in o...
Project for a one-line sales client. Solving customer needs.
The client has one-line sales through social networks. Facebook and Instagram networks. There is also a retail store. He plans to use the system fo...

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