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Search results for query #паспорта продуктов

2015180013 - Improvement of the action “Create a passport from process products”
For the BP action “Create a passport from process products”, the setting “Additional fields to be copied in the passport options” has been improved
2015100362 - The functionality of product passports has been improved
The functionality of product passports has been improved: - added a column for the sale price of the constituent goods of the passport; - added the...
2015094865 - Added additional quantity functionality in product data sheets
Improved: - on pages like admin/shop/storage/passport/{id}/edit/ added checkbox “Show field with additional quantity”, if the checkbox is enabled, ...
2015050384 - Added action "Create Passport from Process Products"
The new action of the business process “Create a passport from the products of the process” has been improved, it is triggered when switching to a ...
2014968065 - Improved the action “Replace a product in the process with the materials of which it consists”
For the action “Replace the product in the process with the materials of which it consists”, the setting “Automatically determine the passport base...
2014869577 - Added setting of product passports
In the system settings - other, the checkbox "Set the passport for the product by default when added to the process" has been added. By d...
2014645423 - Product functionality improved
The following features have been improved for the product card: 1) Block in the product card - Product Passports - creating and editing a passport ...
Finalization of the removal of passports
The deletion is supported by a check that does not allow the deletion of the passport if it is involved anywhere. That is, they allocated N passpor...

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