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1 answer
pick up goods from the warehouse
- vіdvantazhennya goods zі warehouse vartіstyu 150 UAH https://prnt.sc/ujc5xk - https://prnt.sc/ujc8ut - https://prnt.sc/ujcadg - at the result htt...
2 answer
18.08.2020, 16:33
There is no way to control the process
Your shipment only works this way https://prnt.sc/u1ma38 And in this way it is impossible to check whether everything was correctly put to the buye...
4 answer
18.08.2020, 16:12
How and who will check whether the physical shipment was made correctly
So who will check the worker in the warehouse, whether he correctly collected the order? Basically it's done like this: An employee collects a ...
7 replies
18.08.2020, 15:01
Shipment + check
good afternoon friends https://prnt.sc/u1l39n We make a shipment on an order that has already been paid. We go into the upload business process and...

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