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Component «E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores»

from OneBox production #

How it works «E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores» #

E-CommerceParser is your reliable assistant in collecting data from online stores! Our tool is designed specifically to make the information gathering process easy and efficient. 

Main features:

  1. Automated data collection: save time and resources thanks to the possibility of automatic data collection from several pages of the online store.
  2. Search and filter: Customize your search options and filter products by category, price, brand, and other criteria.
  3. Price and availability monitoring: receive timely notifications about price changes, discounts and promotions so that you are always in the know.
  4. Customer reviews and ratings: Evaluate the quality and popularity of products based on collected reviews and ratings.
  5. Data protection and blocking avoidance: Keep your personal data safe and avoid website blocking by using proxy servers and advanced technologies.
  6. Data export: export the received data to convenient formats such as CSV, Excel or databases for further analysis and use.

E-CommerceParser is an indispensable tool for market analysis, competitor monitoring and optimization of sales strategies in the field of e-commerce. Don't waste time - start collecting valuable data today!

Cloud pricing for data and applications

60.00 USD per month

Cloud pricing per user

60.00 USD per month

Boxed solution (on-site)

60.00 USD per month

Screenshots «E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores» #

Available Platforms «E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores» #

Application E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores available on my server
Available on my server
Application E-CommerceParser - Parser for Online Stores customizable
Paid Application
Paid Application