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Component «Horoshop»

from OneBox #

How it works «Horoshop» #

It allows to integrate your OneBox with Khoroshop marketplace. There also will be an option to import your contacts, products, product categories, currencies and their rate from Khoroshop. You'll also be able to import all orders, as well as to change order status in Khoroshop. OneBox can get order status from Khoroshop and change it to needed one in OneBox. There's also exporting of residues in stock from OneBox to Khoroshop available.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Horoshop» #

Available Platforms «Horoshop» #

Application Horoshop available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Horoshop available on my server
Available on my server
Application Horoshop customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Horoshop» forum #

6 replies
19.03.2025, wednesday, 13:02
Empty orders are falling from KHOROSHOP
Congratulations! This is not the first time we have seen empty orders. On the good side, the order is complete, everything is fine. Everything is t...
4 answer
30.01.2025, 15:09
Import of goods from Khorosop (url address)
Good afternoon For some reason, the URL address from the site is not fully imported, can you please advise or fix it? https://hazardous.1b.app/app/...
1 answer
15.01.2025, 16:11
export to Khoroshop of closed order statuses
Good day! I see in the logs that the "Import processes from Khoroshop" action transfers the status and delivery notes of orders to the Closed stat...
3 answer
14.01.2025, 16:56
Urgent!!!! no import of orders from Khoroshop
The last orders from Khoroshop to Box came 7 hours ago!!! https://knigarnia.1b.app/ this box, it receives orders from two Khoroshops, one works, th...
1 answer
EvoSmart Solution
24.12.2024, 08:59
OS: Filters/Features not displayed
When configuring the action of Uploading products to HoroShop, the list of Filters is not displayed in the "Export only specified filters:" field, ...
4 answer
17.12.2024, 10:12
Availability of goods
Good day! I'm trying to set up the unloading of leftover goods in Khoroshop. It seems like the Khoroshop app shows that the action is working, ...
2 answer
14.12.2024, 12:40
Availability of goods.
Good day! Boxing does not transfer the current availability of goods to Khoroshop, although the integration seems to be configured - orders are tr...
5 replies
13.11.2024, 22:22
Optimization of API limits
Congratulations! There is an action "Export goods to Khorosop" and I need help optimizing this action. We now have about 10,000 products. Now, with...
25 replies
13.11.2024, 00:16
Import processes from Horoshop (Horoshop)
Hello! From the morning of November 12, 2024, we see a strange picture with the unloading of balances and orders. Unloads time after time and again...
2 answer
12.10.2024, 17:58
Filter hint is not displayed in the action "Export products to Horoshop"
I noticed that in the action "Export products to Horoshop" the filter hint is not displayed and because of this I cannot understand which filter I ...