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Component «Checkbox»

from OneBox #

How it works «Checkbox» #

Checkbox allows to enable program RRO for your business. A new feature will appear, which allows to open new shift by a user (a cashier) through the workflow actions, as well as to close the current one. Sale receipt creation, fiscalization and submission to the client's email will be available from within the RRO.

Print of receipt in HTML will be included, so as receiving information about the receipt.

Checkbox app is an RRO module for your system, built on OneBox.

If you're looking for a complex solution for RRO (PRRO), please follow the link "RRO for business" or "CRM system configuration for small to medium business RRO automation"

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Checkbox» #

Available Platforms «Checkbox» #

Application Checkbox available on Android
Available on Android
Application Checkbox available on iOS
Available on iOS
Application Checkbox available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Checkbox available on my server
Available on my server
Application Checkbox customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Checkbox» forum #

3 answer
21.02.2025, 16:14
Critical update of PRRO operation via API
MRV A letter of happiness arrived ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Checkbox Date: Mon, 17 Feb. 2025, 16:34 Subject: ‼ Critical updatin...
3 answer
19.02.2025, 10:35
Innovations in PRO checks from March 1, 2025: Is there any solution?
Congratulations! Important question. Please pay attention. Please advise how to resolve the issue with the innovations in the PRRO/RRO that w...
3 answer
07.01.2025, 11:05
Fiscalization, checks
There is a need to set up fiscalization of checks for all orders. Our peculiarity is that we have many sole proprietors for whom we need to make ch...
1 answer
04.01.2025, 12:31
New Integration New Mail and checkbox
Creation and issuance of a check for an express consignment note from Nova Poshta from the Checkbox website https://wiki.checkbox.ua/uk/portal/cash...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
30.12.2024, 19:35
Required updates
Good day. Will you make these updates to the Checkbox app? ‼️ Mandatory update! New fiscal checks in accordance with the order of the Ministry of F...
0 replies
The company is not pulled up when installing the component.
Good afternoon. There was a problem installing the Checkbox component. When trying to install the component, it redirects you to a page from one ...
2 answer
Transferring the payment type to the Checkbox is incorrect
Good day I'm attaching a screenshot - tell me what the "obsolete" field note means? But can it somehow affect the work? The situation is that at so...
12 replies
07.11.2024, 23:46
Fiscalization is successful, but it goes to the stage specified in the fiscalization error
The problem has become more and more frequent. Fiscalization is completed, the receipt ID is recorded, there is data in the logs, but it redirects ...
4 answer
Is it possible to configure the automatic creation and printing of a check for transfer to the Checkbox?
Instant formation of a check is required as soon as the order has arrived in OneBox. Is there such a possibility? Because it is currently configure...
3 answer
11.06.2024, 13:32
Receipt ID in case of fiscalization error
In the action "Create a sales receipt, fiscalize it and deliver it to the client by email" there is an option "Write the generated receipt id in an...