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Component «API»

from OneBox #

How it works «API» #

It allows to view the information transferred in logs format. For the sake of convenience, there is a filtering pane provided, where you can choose the time for update, number of strings to display, date of creation and file. There are also additional buttons for moving to documentation, generating of API key, executing of request in a test mode and posting a question regarding API.

Important! All parameters can be sent both via GET method and POST method as well. POST method is recommended for adding something (order creation, contact creation, etc.) because of these three considerations: 

  • It's still de facto RESTfull recommendation;
  • POST-parameters are not recorded to the operation system logs, so the passwords and other parameters will not be recorded anywhere;
  • Standard limitation of URL-string by GET method is 1024 bites, so the big volume of data cannot be transferred.

Attention! API usage consumes a licensing session.

If you plan to use API, you need +1 user (for cloud plans) or +1 license key (for boxed plans).

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «API» #

Available Platforms «API» #

Application API available on Android
Available on Android
Application API available on iOS
Available on iOS
Application API available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application API available on my server
Available on my server
Application API customizable

Reviews and discussions component «API» forum #

3 answer
07.03.2025, 17:14
Проблема с созданием заказа
{ "0":{ "workflowid":????, "statusid":"????", "client":{ "typesex":"man", "name":"fddsdf", "namelast":"afs", ...
2 answer
21.02.2025, 11:35
Can I receive new orders for an external service via webhooks?
Can I receive new orders for an external service via webhooks?
Uploading a file to an order
Hello, I'm trying to transfer a file via API request, I was looking for how to do it and found an interesting answer on the forum - https://1b.app/...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
25.10.2024, 14:16
Connecting a Telegram bot created in Send Pulse. Is such a solution possible?
There is such a request from the Client: *** you need to connect the Telegram bot when he fills in information about the client, transfer it to the...
25 replies
18.10.2024, 11:14
Call registration
Good afternoon. Please tell me what needs to be done to start the action "Convert call to process"? I register a call via API /api/registercall/ wi...
3 answer
19.09.2024, 15:35
Description of API fields
1. Where can we see the description of the fields for the /api/v2/event/set/ method? What values should be specified in the direction key? 2. Does ...
1 answer
16.09.2024, 18:14
Rate the API update
Please evaluate the improvement, so that when making an ARI request to receive a list of processes, the "/api/orders/get/" method, as a result, you...
3 answer
10.09.2024, 16:59
Formation of new orders
workflowid is a parameter in API V2. What should be transmitted through it to formulate a new order?
Problem with passing process to API
I'm trying to send a PUT request via the "Pass process to API" action to change the order status in Wordpress with it (the action that does this di...
Transferring additional product fields via api (v1)
Tell me how to correctly change the value of an additional product field via API. According to the documentation, I tried this “https://{company_ur...