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Бугайчук Андрей

Questions and answers on the forum

View all user questions and answers Бугайчук Андрей
4 answer
05.01.2022, 12:33
Requirements, recommendations for software when ordering VPS hosting for a boxed OS version?
On iron requirements to the server are clear. Are there any requirements, recommendations, wishes for software when ordering a VPS server hosting? ...
2 answer
28.11.2021, 12:55
OneBox upgrade to MVP version
Please update OneBox https://icold.pro/ to MVP version
2 answer
22.09.2021, 22:20
Updating and setting up an online store through ShopOS
We plan to upgrade the online store to the OneBox OS version. How do I update and set up an online store through the Onebox ShopOS app?
1 answer
17.09.2021, 21:03
Formation of a catalog of goods in a file from the source site
Who can order a service for creating product catalog files in XLSX, YML for uploading to your website with setting up updates via the API?
2 answer
11.09.2021, 22:21
OneBox upgrade from Green Revolution to MVP and then to OS
Upgrade OneBox https://icold.pro/ from Green-Revolution version to MVP version and then to OS.
1 answer
26.02.2020, 11:33
Refinement of import of goods in YML
Improve the ability to import products in YML format so that you can also load any SEO entities for which there are corresponding fields in OneBox ...