Link copied -
4 answer
07.06.2024, 14:27
No logs for the action Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)
The option is enabled, but the log is not created. Correct me please
Refinement of action_Automatically create a process for products whose price has changed in the last N hours
Good afternoon, previously you did this modification https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ https://prnt.sc/ADcFN4W6roWC Is it pos...
Optimization of the report
There is a bug: if you try to filter products for all time in the "Balance forecast and purchase calculation" report https://vyriy.1b.app/app/repor...
We paid for crm, but it disappeared
Good afternoon We paid for this SRM, but it disappeared Crm https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/ You can go look at financial transactions, there the pa...
7 replies
28.05.2024, 12:40
License as a donation
Good day, friends from III OSHB want to install SRM One Box for inventory accounting. Is it possible to allocate one license to them?
9 replies
03.11.2021, 09:11
Link to payment in Privat24
Good afternoon! In the box there is an action "Create a link to pay in LiqPay". Is there something similar for Privat24?
SSL certificate
Please confirm the request that was sent to postmaster@crm-onebox.com
2 answer
04.06.2024, 11:43
Displaying the "add comment" button
Congratulations! How to display the add comment button by default first? We have a problem, if a client wrote from Facebook, then the "add comment"...
7 replies
12.09.2023, 11:07
Improvement to the "Products by table" block: improve "Add color setting"
Guys, please calculate the revision. In the “Products by table” interface block, namely “Add color setting”, you need to compare it with another pr...
3 answer
18.03.2024, 15:52
Please delete my account
Please delete my onebox account