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Refinement of product unloading in xml

I need to generate 3 yml files:
1) Full product catalog
2) Only products that have been created in the last 24 hours
3) Only products for which the price, availability or value of the additional field has changed (the balance is indicated there)
All this can be done with the action "Integrate XML Products (Export)"
But the problem is that the file is not generated valid :(
Problems I see:
1) Description must be wrapped in CDATA
2) Form the file in its normal form, at the moment it is absolutely unreadable
Sample file https://erp.openshop.ua/media/export/product/Openshop-catalog-avail-price-change...
Original question is available on version: ru


Sukhanitsky Andrey Vladimirovich wrote:
1) Description must be wrapped in CDATA

By default, this is not required.
If you have markup characters in the description, as a result of which markup ambiguity arises, we can finalize the setting so that the description is wrapped in a CDATA section - this will take 1 hour

Sukhanitsky Andrey Vladimirovich wrote:
2) Form the file in its normal form, at the moment it is absolutely unreadable

By default, the XML format is a string with the appropriate tag syntax. You form XML, but as if in the markup of the YML (Yandex Market Language) format, which is also based on the XML syntax.
It is formatted directly when viewed (for example, by a browser). Formatting the markup by hyphens/tabs/spaces does not carry any value for machine reading (for which XML is used in almost all cases), but on the contrary will increase the file size (hyphens/spaces/tabs are the same characters).
17.02.2021, 14:12
Original comment available on version: ru

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