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Search by the last digits of a phone number

Если вам нужна система для бизнеса, которая умеет быстро искать контакты по последним цифрам телефона - установить ее можно по кнопке: Установить OneBox OS
Continuation of the branch: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/kontakty-baza-klientov/1171-poisk-po-chastichn...
Please do a search by part of the phone number. It is much more convenient to drive in the last digits than the entire phone number.
To enter the entire phone number, I have to look at the smartphone several times, because. the whole number is hard to remember. (In our country, phone numbers are still short, but if the client is from America, then it’s generally not easy - long phone numbers)
The last few digits are much easier and faster to remember and drive in.
Hope for understanding.
Original question is available on version: ru


On a smartphone, it searches by part of the phone number.
02.10.2020, 20:17
Original comment available on version: ru

Perhaps it's better to add an asterisk before the text, and then you can search for the second part of the number.
*0600 and it finds everything that ends with those numbers.
03.10.2020, 09:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Right now in the search filter settings by phone number - there is a setting that allows you to search by partial search.
If you want to search directly in the global search by a partial phone number, then this is possible only if the number of contacts is up to 100,000.
Perhaps if you were clients https://1b.app/ru/partner/onebox-corp/ I would even consider it as an investment if there are several people
18.08.2022, 12:46
Original comment available on version: ru

The search works with an asterisk (wild card), but in the opposite direction:
38050382* - works
*2277 - not working
This is because we are using mysql fulltext engine and it doesn't understand wildcard prefix.
All for the sake of speed.
18.08.2022, 12:47
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Original comment available on version: ru

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