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CRM-ERP configuration of OneBox OS:Sales system for sales representatives

The company Astelit Group promotes the configuration of the CRM-ERP system OneBox OS:Sales for sales representatives.
The system allows:
• create a single communication with clients and employees (website, social media, mail, telephone),
• zdіysnyuvati povny suprovіd zamovlennya in the System,
• maintain a database of deputies and post-employees with the history of appointments and purchasers,
• shaping that nadsilati rahunki for payment,
• zdіysnyuvat work with contracts,
• create a price system and product nomenclature,
• shaping, overstrengthening and controlling the activities of the stars in mutual frostbite with the client,
• nadsilati automatic svіshchennya, nagaduvannya, privіtannya zі saints,
• keep a warehouse layout and manage the warehouse,
• integrate POS terminals,
• plan and manage promotions,
• integrate with marketplaces,
• integrate with delivery services,
• integrate IP telephony,
• to conduct a managerial responsibility and to conduct in-depth analysis of business i
Original question is available on version: ru


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