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Suggest a solution for the client

Lead sells dairy products. He has a retail store + delivery to settlements for caring customers. The warehouse is managed in 1C, there is no program for processing leads. Clients are lost, some are forgotten. Sometimes it is not clear where and to whom to deliver the goods.
Original question is available on version: ru


What kind of solution is needed? what should be written here?
There is no way to give a definite answer to such a question. It is necessary to use a series of suitable automations both in the process itself and in general in the system.
06.10.2020, 13:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon!
1. You need to complete the inventory control settings + training will need 10-12 hours of senior integrator
2. With the help of the BP constructor, you need to set up a sales business process for the needs of customers, it is necessary to spend from 2 to 5 senior integrators to set up the 1st BP (the estimate varies depending on the logic of building each of the BPs).
3. It will be necessary to download the client database, for this the client must provide a file in electronic form (xml, exel) that meets the requirements of the OneBOx system + we recommend that clients be segmented into groups, as well as configure the interface for client groups to implement this.
(5 - 12h senior integrator).
4. it will be necessary to load the database of goods with purchase prices + set up a report in which you can see how much money was spent when purchasing products, as well as set up automatic actions that will monitor the balance of goods in the warehouse and when the minimum threshold is reached - the system will create a task for purchase of goods. To implement such settings, it takes from 5 to 15 hours for a senior integrator.
5. It is necessary to set up the Logistics section, namely BP Building the optimal route, BP for controlling the collection of money by the driver for the goods. It takes 15-18 hours for a senior integrator to set up.
For a more accurate assessment or additional advice on implementation, we recommend contacting us at the contacts -
07.10.2020, 11:58
SHEBO Original comment available on version: ru

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