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Copying the barcode in the warehouse during the selection process for box.ariabride.eu

Good day!
Recently, we were asked to do the shaping of barcodes in the warehouse, so they will be protected when asking for goods at the warehouse: https://prnt.sc/vwr90c
Dyakuyu, here pratsyuє good.
Ale z_tknulis z such a problem: the goods are added to the dієyu “Start the business process of the goods”, but the barcode of the goods at the warehouse is not copied to the new process.
Can you add the same checkbox here, as you have added in the section "Add products from one process to another": https://prnt.sc/vwray2 ?
Or add the ability to copy the field in the "Update fields for the process product" section: https://prnt.sc/vwrd7r
Please, scho is more beautiful.
Original question is available on version: ru


Yarina wrote:
Can you add the same checkbox here, as you have added in the section "Add products from one process to another": https://prnt.sc/vwray2 ?
Or add the ability to copy the field in the "Update fields for the process product" section: https://prnt.sc/vwrd7r

Here is what is more convenient for you. It will take 1 hour to finalize the indicated checkbox.
07.12.2020, 15:57
Original comment available on version: ru

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