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Evaluate action Check field completion

2nd step Check the fields https://prnt.sc/w2fz6m
Enabled check "Supplier additional field product of the process
What is the point, I copy the supplier of the process specified in the product in the add. field and check that all products have a supplier filled in, it works.
But I need to add a condition, do not check for products that are completely in reserve.
For example, 2 products
Product 1, quantity 5, in reserve 5
Item 2, Qty 3, Reserved 1
I need it not to check for goods that are completely in reserve, in this case Product 1 skips and gives an error for product 2 - fill in the supplier, just as if the quantity was 3, and in reserve 0 - give an error. The bottom line is that if the number in the reserve is less than the number of goods - check the fullness of the supplier of the process product.
I need an assessment of the improvement, or if t
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


Korop Vladislav Pavlovich wrote:
But I need to add a condition, do not check for products that are completely in reserve.

Well, let's go straight to the action that checks if the "Supplier" field is filled - finish the setting that if the process product field is checked - check only those goods that are not in full reserve - this is a revision of 2 hours
15.12.2020, 15:37
Original comment available on version: ru

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