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Refine the action of the reserve, can we? (priority)

Discussed here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/orders/3248-pomogite-razobratsya-s-deystvie-qu...
how the change order step action works when there are multiple items for many orders.
Tell me, can we modify the same checkboxes for the action of the reserve?
Faced with the fact that the action "change stage" - works correctly, but in our case it often happens that in the order there are 5-7 items that we are waiting for, but only 1 appears (for example)
and it turns out that the order cannot go to the next stage, since it did not have enough other products in the order and the reserve goes to some very new order, which has only 1 of this product expected.
How many hours will it take to finalize the checkbox in the action "reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse", something like
"Do not reserve an item if there are earlier orders at this stage." So that it look
Original question is available on version: ru


Considering that this action can be triggered both during the transition, and by the minute crone, and during editing, it will take about 5 hours.
26.11.2020, 17:18
Original comment available on version: ru

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