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A problem with displaying sent emails from email

When sending a letter to the client's e-mail not from OneBox, but from the connected mail, several copies of this letter are displayed in the client's process in the "Client's latest events" block.

In one process, 5 letters appeared, the first letter with full information, others with partial information, in the other 2 letters, one empty.

All copies are also displayed in the "Events" application.

In reality, only one letter arrives at the client's mail, in the "Mail" application and in the mail account, in the sent - one letter.

What could be the problem?
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day.
Are there any filters on the mail server that move the letter? Or multiple recipients?
As far as I can see from the screenshots, they change the time of the letter at least
сегодня, 15:59
Original comment available on version: ua

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