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Mail not working for outgoing emails

Good afternoon. Google mail was set up on the new box. Incoming come, everything is OK, outgoing do not want. The settings were rechecked 100 times, everything is correct. Look please.
We set up another mail on a third-party server, it works for outgoing and incoming, indicated it as technical But we cannot export goods, the download link does not come. Help me please.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Judging by the report "History of sent emails" /admin/report/massemailsend/
Mail is leaving the box.
But judging by the log admin/logs/showall/ajax/?file=sendmail-2021-09-27.log
the mail method is used to send:
[5] => method: mail
in which mail is sent not via the SMTP protocol through the mail server, but directly from the box server, such letters usually end up in spam or are generally ignored by mail services.
To exclude this, when setting up integration with mail, I recommend setting the setting "Do not send letters from this mail if SMTP is not available".
27.09.2021, 21:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks, Sergey. It looks like there was some glitch with outgoing in Google, they turned on dual identification, set up a boxing application password and it all worked.
Regarding the unloading of goods, the mail was changed in the wrong place in the box)
28.09.2021, 11:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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