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Automatic price import via YML

There is a classic YML supplier price list, where availability is specified in the tag: <offer id="0000000" available="true"> (false)
When configuring automatic import once a day, availability synchronization does not work.
What to write in the last line "Name of the presence tag"?
Original question is available on version: ru


The availability text (amount) must be a separate tag, not an attribute (e.g. <amount>1</amount tag)
To get the availability from the attribute of the offer tag, you need to refine a similar setting in the form of a checkmark, that to search not for a tag, but for an attribute with the specified name - this is a refinement in 1 hour
30.11.2020, 17:26
Original comment available on version: ru

This tag should contain the number of items. Those. price should be like:
<offer id="0000000" available="true">
and then you need to prescribe the avail tag there. In your case, I can suggest a refinement to take the presence from the available parameter. Takes about an hour to set up
30.11.2020, 17:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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