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Loading orders

tell me, is it possible to load orders for a certain period of time, or better with a certain status, for example: "New"?
A large number of orders have accumulated in the PROM store for all the time and I don’t want to load them into the box.
Can you tell me how to solve this with existing methods or perhaps refinement?
Original question is available on version: ru


like this. Specify how many recent orders you need to download. If you need the last 1000 orders, put 1000 there. By default - 100. When you load the necessary X pieces, remove the setting to request the last 100 at a time.
25.08.2022, 11:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks, everything works great!
28.08.2022, 09:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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