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URGENTLY ! order import and status update from PROM.UA does not work

Here is the list of integrations
For all proms, the status of orders for prom does not change
https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/?filterdeliverynote=&f... =&filtercustomotdel6=&filterintervalfrom=&filterintervalto=&filteranagersid=&filterproductname=&filternovaposhtacabinet=&filternovaposhtastatus=&filtercustomestlidoprazha33=&filterpayment=&filterproductid=&filterclientid[0]=&ok=1&searchLine=
no orders coming in (last one a
Original question is available on version: ru


Сусяк Ігор
turn over the API key in your office Prom, as soon as possible you need to continue there.
15.12.2021, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ru

this was done in the first place and all the keys were replaced
15.12.2021, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
then revise it according to your needs:
1. integration works, did you change anything?
2. Is the "PromUA / Importing into OneBox" option set up and enabled once in the chiline?
3. at the first stage of the BP, where can a prayer be created, - there is no way, it can be fenced to create a prayer (for example, if it is a re-verification for the meaning of watering)
4. Khvilinny kroner vіdpratsovuє schohvilini?
15.12.2021, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru


Susyak Igor
Integrator.com.ua wrote:
then revise it according to your needs:
1. integration works, did you change anything?
2. Is the "PromUA / Importing into OneBox" option set up and enabled once in the chiline?
3. at the first stage of the BP, where can a prayer be created, - there is no way, it can be fenced to create a prayer (for example, if it is a re-verification for the meaning of watering)
4. Khvilinny kroner vіdpratsovuє schohvilini?

Yes, all these actions were done as soon as it stopped working
15.12.2021, 15:53
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
You can also check out the OneBox retailer, check, there are no regulations. Try to return to your integrator.
15.12.2021, 16:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon.
Prom on requests from your server turned on protection against robots.
Contact TP Prom.
Robot protection function reCaptchaCallback(response)
Protection from robots You got here probably because too many requests to the site were made from your ip address per unit of time.
15.12.2021, 16:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon.
Prom on requests from your server turned on protection against robots.
Contact TP Prom.
Robot protection function reCaptchaCallback(response)
Protection from robots You got here probably because too many requests to the site were made from your ip address per unit of time.

Orders began to fall, the prom replied that he had fixed it, but can you see more on the change in the status of orders? Still not updating prom statuses
15.12.2021, 19:21
Original comment available on version: ru

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