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Transferring additional data from a chat

Good afternoon, is it possible to finalize the transfer of additional data from the chat to CRM, namely, I am primarily interested in transferring the phone number. When activating the chat, there is a form, where the client fills in the phone number, now the e-mail and Name are transferred
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Good afternoon
Do you have an example of data from HelpCrunch on some project where there is a transfer of a phone number?
17.02.2025, 08:57
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Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
Personal license
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Good afternoon! Yes, this process was created from a new dialogue https://papidudigital.1b.app/47/ there is an e-mail, there is no phone, I want this data in helpcrunch itself (I attach a screenshot), here is the event of the first message of this chat https://papidudigital.1b.app/app/event/134/
17.02.2025, 13:00
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в видачі немає номеру телефону

напевно отримати номер телефону можливо лише окремим запитом до https://docs.helpcrunch.com/en/rest-api-v1/get-customer-v1

я бачу 2 варіанта рішення:
1. ви домовляетесь з HelpCrunch щоб вони доопрацювали видачу телефону зі в список чатів - тоді з нашої сторони імпорт та пошук по номеру телефону - 1 година
2. реалізувати налаштування щоб робити додатково запит до https://docs.helpcrunch.com/en/rest-api-v1/get-customer-v1 і реалізувати імпорт та пошук по номеру телефону (але треба перевірити що "customer":{"id":9} відповідає реальному ідентифікатору контакту в HelpCrunch) - це займе 2 години
17.02.2025, 15:04

Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
Personal license
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I contacted helpcrunch and they suggested I pay attention to this https://docs.helpcrunch.com/en/rest-api-v1/get-customer-v1. Let's finalize this in 2 hours. Tell me, will notifications come in in this case if there is an appeal without an e-mail?
17.02.2025, 17:13
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If there is an email or, upon new request, a phone number, then it will be there.
17.02.2025, 17:21
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Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
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Great. There will only be a phone number. We have the form Last Name First Name and Phone Number.
17.02.2025, 17:22
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Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
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Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk
OneBox production wrote:

17.02.2025, 17:24
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Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
Personal license
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Sorry, I wanted to clarify whether this modification will be tied to a specific box or will it work on everyone.
17.02.2025, 17:26
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Dvorak Mykola
Papidu Digital Agency wrote:
Sorry, I wanted to clarify whether this modification will be tied to a specific box or will it work on everyone.

This is a general refinement.
17.02.2025, 17:35
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Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
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Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk
OneBox production wrote:

I'm waiting for the bill. Thank you.
18.02.2025, 15:33
Original comment available on version: ua

Tindik Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:

18.02.2025, 17:13
Original comment available on version: ru

The setting "Additionally obtain client data by its ID for further search by phone number" has been improved into the action "Turn a message from HelpCrunch chats into a process"
Updated on https://papidudigital.1b.app
19.02.2025, 17:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Дворак Микола Papidu Digital Agency
Personal license
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I just tried it, but unfortunately it didn't work in CRM, this is a correspondence with helpcrunch
20.02.2025, 12:52
Original comment available on version: ua

And why wasn't the new setting enabled in action?
20.02.2025, 12:59
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I turned on the settings - and here is the result https://papidudigital.1b.app/48/
20.02.2025, 12:59
Original comment available on version: ua

Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Thanks!
20.02.2025, 13:42
Original comment available on version: ua

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