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Ability to attach multiple media files to a text block

Good day,
I need the ability to attach multiple media files to a text block.
We are talking about the telegram bot designer. Currently, it is possible to attach only one file - my use case requires attaching 3 photos to one of the text blocks of my bot.
Original question is available on version: ua


Do you want them to be displayed to the user as "Album" or each one sent as a separate message?
10.02.2023, 15:04
Original comment available on version: ru

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11.02.2023, 11:56
Original comment available on version: ru

It can be done, it will take about 2 hours of completion.
14.02.2023, 17:13
Original comment available on version: ru

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Okay, I'm willing to pay for this fix
14.02.2023, 17:18
Original comment available on version: ua

You will be billed in the coming days, within a few weeks after payment, the revision will be ready.
14.02.2023, 17:22
Original comment available on version: ru

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I paid the bill yesterday.
Is it possible to prioritize this revision so that it is ready no later than February 28?
15.02.2023, 13:48
Original comment available on version: ua

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15.02.2023, 15:18
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oops, accidentally sent)
thank you!
15.02.2023, 15:18
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. Improvement is ready, now you can upload multiple files into blocks. The last uploaded file will be displayed first in the album, it is advisable to upload all files of the same format (do not make 1 svg file, the second with video and the third document) since telegram accepts only one type of files in the album. Files must be loaded into the configuration one by one.
17.02.2023, 15:29
Original comment available on version: ru

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Protested - everything is fine. Thank you very much!
21.02.2023, 14:56
Original comment available on version: ua

Glad I could help you. Have a good day!
21.02.2023, 15:29
Original comment available on version: ru

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Good day,
For some reason, the 3 media files that I attached to the starting block of my bot are not pulled into the bot: https://carmalift.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/
08.03.2023, 12:54
Original comment available on version: ua

Try reducing your photos to acceptable sizes. 6MB per photo is too much for a telegram.
08.03.2023, 13:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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Update: solved the problem by changing the format from png to jpeg
I still have a suspicion that maybe the size of the files was too large
08.03.2023, 13:13
Original comment available on version: ua

most likely the problem is the size.
08.03.2023, 13:31
Original comment available on version: ru

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