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New mail - printing of TTN registers and markings by branches

Нужна печать реестров ТТН Новой почты ?
Нужна печать маркировок по отделениям Новой почты ?
Это все и многое другое есть в последней версии компонента Посмотреть последнюю версию
- Select N orders with checkmarks,
- Click the button to generate registries, we display it in mass actions on processes
- boxing scatters all TTN according to registries according to branches
- we print registers in separate tabs
- we print in separate marking tabs
- Then registers and markings can be printed from the OneBox Nova Poshta block
The revision was discussed here: 2014866155
Works like this:
1. Received 100 orders
2. 30 Dispatch from branch 1
3. 40 sent from branch 2
4. 30 Dispatch from branch 3
5. Sendings scheduled for today, filtered by date
6. Received THREE registries. Each section has its own, printed out.
7. We received a package of markings for each register, printed it out, and pasted it on orders.
8. Gave to NP
9. In each branch of the NP, they made their own register. Checked with orders. Accepted. sent to recipients.
Original question is available on version: ru Вячеслав Легеза


20.01.2021, 11:38
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

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