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How can I send the address in the New mail block when going to the stage?


Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
It is necessary to work, as we are creating new prayers to copies of the old prayers. The client changes the delivery address, the manager changes it in the input fields, but forget about the NP block. Posleka їde not tudi, kudi treba
02.12.2021, 12:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
Oleksandr, it’s possible for the retailers to ask for help, but let’s think about it:
1. you copy the process, it’s amazing that all fields are copied at once
2. Copy and paste the new process at the start stage. Vidpovidno there you can put a view of the data from the required watering, or the primus line "0" chi ""
But in this case, all new processes will be spent on the whole stage and there we will take care of cleaning the data. Vіdvpovіdno avtomatichnі zamovlennya priklady z іnshih sitesіv mаyut not to the starting stage - can you do this?
As an option - when you go to the step of editing, I will show the merging window with the text "Did you misread the delivery address?" i buttons Yes/Ni
02.12.2021, 16:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
It is necessary to work, as we are creating new prayers to copies of the old prayers. The client changes the delivery address, the manager changes it in the input fields, but forget about the NP block. Posleka їde not tudi, kudi treba

just add the address to the process for the new mail and put it in the block
02.12.2021, 16:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
We have to reset the current fields to zero when creating a new one.
I don't know how to reset the field itself.
It’s impossible, if it’s impossible, you may have to attach the address to the NP process.
Resetting the fields to zero may and shortfalls and advances, but there is no shortage of zeroing the address field in the TM block, so when the address field is filled in the process, with the field set to zero in the TM block, it will remain to be filled by itself.
And when editing the address field in the process, with the filled field in the NP block, it is wrong to try TTN NP.
03.12.2021, 12:03
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
And when editing the address field in the process, with the filled field in the NP block, it is wrong to try TTN NP.

If you don’t fill in the block in a new post in the zamovlenn, then you won’t take it to the point of respect, wink only to the address of the process and you will work as required, although I don’t know what you’ve added to yourself in this block.
03.12.2021, 12:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
The block of new mail will be filled in automatically, if you fill in the address field in the process
Ale wine is not changed automatically, so change the address field in the process and save.
Mi yogo viveli, shob
1) press the button "throw the address in the block", if the client changes the already entered address (alternatively, the managers forget, or the request is not there);
2) mothers of additional functions, there are none in the universal blocks of the process; price change
Delivery type: Warehouse-Warehouse or Warehouse-DVerі
Payer: Odrezhuvach or Vidpravnik
03.12.2021, 13:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
2) mothers of additional functions, there are none in the universal blocks of the process; price change
Type of dispatch: Warehouse-Warehouse or Warehouse-DVeri
Payer: Odrezhuvach or Vidpravnik

It is possible to adjust through additional fields, є special dії

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
1) press the button "throw the address in the block", if the client changes the already entered address (alternatively, the managers forget, or the request is not there);

here I think it became clear that it is not necessary to explain
03.12.2021, 13:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
It is possible to adjust through additional fields, є special dії
- Tse same those that we need!
We improved the additional fields for the vaga NP, the amount of money to pay and іnshі.
You can refer to the additional fields in the NP settings here https://drukaryk.com/admin/shop/integrations/novaposhta-integration-1/control/

I can’t know in Box in the settings of the NP, click on such parameters as
Delivery type: Warehouse-Warehouse or Warehouse-DVerі
Payer: Odrezhuvach or Vidpravnik
06.12.2021, 09:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
Axis mi nalashtuval vaga i payment control
06.12.2021, 10:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
Delivery type: Warehouse-Warehouse or Warehouse-DVerі
Payer: Odrezhuvach or Vidpravnik

For which it is necessary to adjust the supplementary fields and adjust the fields, so that the payer will be changed according to the type of management in the fallow land in the supplementary fields
06.12.2021, 10:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
For which it is necessary to improve the supplementary fields, and to adjust the fields, so that they will change the payer and the type of administration in the fallow in the supplementary fields
- I'm going to make up my mind. I'll ruin it.
Ale, there are no options for changing the payroll and the type of management in fallow land in terms of the value of additional irrigation.
06.12.2021, 11:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
Oleksandr - change the payer for the type of administration not in the NP, but in the acts, as if Andriy had indicated.
we practice to work the procedure and put the needs there. go one click in the result.
06.12.2021, 11:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Gulyaev Oleksandr
Drukarnya "Drukarik" wrote:
Ale, there are no options for changing the payroll and the type of management in fallow land in terms of the value of additional irrigation.

changes at the stage will be required to change the payer and the type of administration
06.12.2021, 12:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
Come to mind.
Dyakuyu Andriy and Igor for help
06.12.2021, 13:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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