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Problem with recalculation of prices

Good afternoon
There was a difficulty with the recalculation of prices.
We uploaded a new price list of the supplier, the price of the goods has changed http://joxi.ru/Q2KoyWdSv8LlY2, after manual recalculation the goods are recalculated incorrectly http://joxi.ru/brRoM3OSOb7xnm. The markup rule for this brand was created with other data http://joxi.ru/brRoM3OSOb7xnm.
The purchase price is tightened from the last arrival, although it was noted that the price of the supplier should be taken into account first
Also, goods with zero balances are not recalculated: http://box.agro-him.com.ua/admin/shop/products/4679/edit/#done
Original question is available on version: ru


Commentary is available in ru and not yet translated to the current language.
21.12.2020, 13:29

Rastorguev Anton
Client wrote:
after manual recalculation, the goods are recalculated incorrectly http://joxi.ru/brRoM3OSOb7xnm. The markup rule for this brand was created with other data http://joxi.ru/brRoM3OSOb7xnm.

I tried to solve this issue by deleting and creating a new markup rule, after recalculation according to the new rule it is considered incorrect that the priority for price selection is "Consider supplier first") 42.84+ (40%) = 59.98 and BOX does not change the previous value of price 4 which was calculated by the old markup rule where price 4 was +50%
21.12.2020, 14:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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