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FB side integration

today, integration with FB messenger, everything works.
and from the confirmation from the side of the FB does not allow authorization: /admin/shop/facebook/groups/
to the FB addendum є access to pages_messaging https://prnt.sc/wcu18g , and additionally, when authorizing, ask for access to manage_pages, read_page_mailboxes, publish_pages, user_managed_groups, publish_actions https://prnt.sc/wcu0op (and notify https://developers. facebook.com/docs/permissions/reference/manage_pages/ manage_pages and publish_pages have been replaced with 6 new ones https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/overview/permissions-features )
As far as I know, all Facebook APIs are here https://developers.facebook.com
specifically on fb side https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/messages/
techpidtrimka in problem #2015716534 sign that you have an investment plan, but if we know more on the forum, you can implement it better.
Original question is available on version: ru


If there are users on the cloud who use this functionality, we invest in it.
30.12.2020, 15:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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