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Privat 24 (does not pull payments on 1 card)

We have set up integration with several private 24 cards
all are working fine but 1 is not working
Here, the last one https://prnt.sc/w8dcqp
Can I somehow see what private 24 writes to our requests? And why is this not working, everything was set up as usual
Original question is available on version: ru


Zubarev Ivan Valerievich wrote:
Can I somehow see what private 24 writes to our requests?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response version="1.0"><merchant><id>167072</id><signature></signature></merchant><data> <oper>cmt</oper><info>error:null</info></data></response>
Signature removed from answer
no error is given, payments for today are the same

Zubarev Ivan Valerievich wrote:
And why is this not working, everything was set up as usual

write to Privat technical support, perhaps something is not included on their side for this card
23.12.2020, 17:29
Original comment available on version: ru

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