1 == created a checkbox field ===
https://prnt.sc/u1nxo52 == add block===
https://prnt.sc/u1nzed3 == the fact of reading occurs and the backlight changes ===
https://prnt.sc/u1o0pp-BUT we don’t have one piece, but for example 48 pieces here:
https://prnt.sc/u1o1rz and they are sold in packs of 12 pieces, that is, when you add a product to an order, then not a piece is added, but 12 pieces at once (as indicated in the settings of the product itself) - add the product to the order three times, in the end there will be 36 pcs, i.e. a multiple of 12)
and the fact of reading in paragraph 3, the backlight changes, immediately when reading the code once.
If in the field settings you put not a checkmark but a number, then the field adds 1 piece, instead of 12
How to be here?