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Action bug

When setting up at the stage http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1173/action/new/, I used the action Change process stage if there are enough products in stock http://joxi.ru/BA06wJZtp11Klm
But for some reason it doesn't work.
I put another action http://joxi.ru/52anK9McklldwA and immediately there was a transition. But the problem is that if there are not enough products, it gives an error and therefore does not fit.
Original question is available on version: ru


give an example of a process where the action did not work
21.09.2020, 16:26
Original comment available on version: ru

so the action switches when there is a sufficient amount of goods in stock, in this process you have this product - https://prnt.sc/umgrnu not in stock - https://prnt.sc/umgsms
respectively, the transition condition is not met
23.09.2020, 16:04
Original comment available on version: ru

This is a service, apparently they did not pay attention)
23.09.2020, 17:18
Original comment available on version: ru

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