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Getting the sum of an additional field in a process for other processes

There was a consultation https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/10752-obnovlenie-dannih-v-p...
They evaluated the action to search for processes and write the value in the additional field of the current
This action has been improved https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/changelog-2020-onebox-mvp/10873-2015850862---d... naydennie-po-usloviyamquot/#last-comment
It is slightly different, as it works the other way.
How much will it cost to modify in order to make it possible to write the amount of the required additional field in the field of the current process in this action?
That is, we are also looking for the BP, status and additional field, and then we take the value of the additional field (by a variable, for example) and write the amount into the selected additional field. Can be ticked
Original question is available on version: ru


Well, this is not an entirely obvious setting for this action - but I think you can rename it (so that it sounds the same way "to sum" there) - and it turns out you can set up 2 options - writing to the found (as it is now) and summing the additional field of the found processes into the additional .current process field.
Refinement will take 2 hours
21.09.2021, 13:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
Great, thank you
21.09.2021, 13:19
Original comment available on version: ru

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