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Search results for query #статус укрпошта

2 answer
26.07.2022, 17:38
The problem with the status of parcels of Ukrposhti
Good afternoon. Shows the status of the order in the box, but does not automatically switch to the stage, if you want this status in the list of st...
4 answer
21.09.2021, 11:49
Order statuses for UkrPoshta do not change automatically
Hello. When the TTN status is changed, the order statuses do not change. At the stage "Sent to the client", do not proceed further. TTN s...
Incorrect transition from UkrPochti status
order 190662 status history There are no transition actions at the "Sold Drop" stage due to the status of ukrposhta At the same time, w...

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