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Search results for query #цена поставщика

Supplier price does not change
When editing the purchase price for 1 item in an order, the price in the supplier's order is not updated using the "Update Process Product...
1 answer
13.10.2021, 08:51
OS - Question - Supplier prices
We've come across an issue that we can't figure out and need help with. The question is, why is the sales price from the supplier price not...
4 answer
24.07.2021, 11:15
Supplier order
Good afternoon! Process "Order to supplier": In the "Copy Supplier Price" procedure, the "Copy Process Product Fields&quot...
8 replies
04.12.2020, 15:59
Pull the price into the process from the field "Product price with a rule discount"
Good afternoon. A number of our suppliers do not have a wholesale price in their price lists, because conditions for all are individual. Our wholes...
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list from the RRC and from the order price with a discount
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list in the RRC and from the order price with a discount At once Upon setting the price Fo...
A fundamental change in the logic of markups in the system, in markup rules
Now, the supplier's entry price, taking into account his discount, is discounted according to the rule, and then a markup is made on the result...

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