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Search results for query #фактический платёж

3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
23.12.2020, 11:26
finalization of the functionality of posting actual payments through expected payments
Business Requirement if necessary, I will detail this TOR for individual tasks according to the blocks of the TOR please evaluate TK block by block...
1 answer
in Actual payments loses payments
Good afternoon! Question: We have Linking a box to Private - sometimes in Actual payments it loses payments (both incoming and outgoing). Example N...
2 answer
22.10.2020, 16:37
Linking processes to processes
The actual payment, boxing does not bind the process, or rather the order. Order to the supplier, finance block - no actual payments are added.
3 answer
15.10.2020, 13:16
Estimated payments.
The gist is this: An expected payment in the amount of UAH 70,000 was created for the process (customer's order) The client pays daily 5000 UAH...
1 answer
07.10.2020, 19:55
Automate the transfer of the date of the expected payment
How to set up automatic transfer of the date of the expected payment to the next day if the actual payment that closes the expected payment has not...

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