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Search results for query #присвоить родительский процесс

2015876123 - Improved the functionality of the "Assign parent process" action
Added the ability to use variables for the "Assign parent process" action: {|$ordersource_XX|}, where instead of XX you need to specify t...
2 answer
23.09.2021, 13:36
Assign parent process is not correct
At the stage, stand by https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1054/action/new/ Nalashtuvannya dії The process of pіdv'yazalo zovsіm...
2015843765 - Improvement of the "Assign parent process" action
For the "Assign parent process" action, the "Start time" setting has been added.
1 answer
04.01.2021, 14:55
Finding the parent process
it is necessary that when adding a process (settings of the interface for adding a process), it is possible to limit the drop-down list "Paren...
2015688491 - Improved selection of additional product fields in the "Assign parent process" action
For the BP action "Assign parent process", the ability to set additional fields of process products in the process search setting has bee...
2015250828 - Improvement of the action "Assign parent process"
For the BP action "Assign parent process", the ability to search for a process by matching several fields has been added
2014895524 - Improved action “Assign parent process”
Now it is possible to assign a parent process under an order agreement. The action is triggered only if one parent order is active for the client. ...

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