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Search results for query #парсинг почты

2 answer
02.11.2021, 11:01
Parser not working
Email integration configured https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/imap-11/control/ But the mail is not being pulled. The integr...
16 replies
04.08.2021, 12:22
OS - Not all mail arrives in the system
We are faced with the fact that not all letters arrive in the system. It is very important for us that EVERY letter reaches us. What could be the p...
8 replies
04.08.2021, 11:34
Goods are not pulled after the action "Turn a letter into a process"
After working out the "Turn a letter into a process" action, the process is created; process fields, according to the PREG template for c...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.08.2021, 21:14
The letter was not parsed into the event (which was in spam yesterday)
1. Yesterday (Jul 28, 2021 5:18 PM) emailed From d.krivushko@partner.prom.ua Today I found that the letter did not enter the box Here is the filter...
Mail is loaded into the system late or not loaded at all.
Good afternoon! We work with the system https://lean-production.crm-onebox.com We send mail from outlook, previously a letter immediately appeared ...
3 answer
05.04.2021, 10:00
Turn a letter into a process
Good afternoon. Please help me to make the correct template according to this pattern Thanks
7 replies
16.03.2021, 09:39
Consultation on parsing data from the XLS file attached to the letter
The system has an action once per hour Extract additional process field data from email attachment files It finds the process by the specified proc...
1 answer
28.01.2021, 13:33
Mail parsing not working (minute cron dropped)
Boxing http://crm.mebelok.com/ mail parsing does not work and minute and hour crowns have fallen https://prnt.sc/xr7wur
2 answer
11.09.2020, 21:29
What does it mean to parse? https://prnt.sc/ufqa8j
Email parsing
It is necessary to refine the setting in the integration - take into account only the recipient that corresponds to the integration - so that when ...

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